Foot Peel 7 Day Treatment

Easy Solution to Dry Cracked Feet




Designed to remove dead skin cells and leave you with soft smooth beautiful feet in under 7 days the Foot Peel home kit allows you to care for and maintain your feet in the comfort of your own home. This luxurious at-home pedicure treatment removes hardened callused skin through its intense peeling action after just one application. No effort required. No tiresome foot filing. The Foot Peel Home Kits handy foot exfoliation booties do all the work for you!

The Foot Peel Home Kits exclusive formula uses gentle fruit acids which penetrate into the layer of dead skin cells and work on the desmosomes found between the skin layers activating the peeling process. The cells in the dermal layer are forced to the surface and then peel away naturally due to the metabolic process. Once your treatment is complete the intense peeling effect takes place from about 3-5 days after treatment and is usually complete in 7-10 days.

How to use

  1. Cut along the line on Foot Peel Booties
  2. Put the Booties on like socks
  3. Remove sides and press down to seal
  4. Put regular socks on over the top of the Foot Peel Booties. Leave between 90-120 minutes then remove and rinse feet
  5. Peeling will start within 3-5 days and complete in 7 days

TIP: Soaking feet in warm water for 10 minutes everyday will accelerate the peeling process.

Key Ingredients
Glycolic Acid
Lactic Acid
Salicylic Acid
Citric Acid
Malic Acid

Please note this product is not suitable for those with Glucose-6-Phophate Dehydrogenise deficiency (G6PD), Pregnant Women, Breastfeeding Women, Reye's Syndrome, Diabetes and people intolerant to salicylate.